Here at the Just Online Games blog we highlight fun games in the unexplored corners of the Internet.
This edition is about Snowdays, a hugely popular game that goes into hiding for 8 months of the year. It's not exactly hiding, but it zooms to huge popularity around the holidays, Christmas and Hanukkah, lingers throughout the winter and then drops off as if hiding until the following fall.
You can find it at, a site run by the Salvation Army. Now don't worry, they do not hit you up for donations, it is a totally free game. The fundraising aspect is that other people donate based on the amount of game play. So go have fun, make snowflakes and help feed the homeless at the same time.
Here is how to play the game: When you get to the Snowdays snowflake winter game site, click on "click your own snowflake". Watch the animated paper folding. Then start cutting. You do that by clicking and dragging your mouse along the paper, serving to cut out pieces of it. You can see the snowflake image forming before your eyes as you cut, in the flake preview pane to the right.

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