Burning Crusade Expansion Pack
Cheats, Strategy, Hints, Clues
One of the biggest attractions of Burning Crusade for World of Warcraft is the expansion up to Level 70. Since its introduction, World of Warcraft has limited players just to 60 levels. With the Burning Crusade expansion pack, Levels 61-70 are opened up - along with a host of critical advantages and powers, the most famous being the ability to buy one of the flying mounts, like the neutral NetherDrake. More on the Burning Crusade flying mounts below, but imagine being able to fly after having been land-bound for two years. WoW!
Already Blizzard Entertainment has announced 2.5 million sales of Burning Crusade, the first World of Warcraft add-on pack. This is a must-have addition for the 8 million registered users of the online game World of Warcraft from Blizzard Entertainment.
Why such a huge phenomena for the new Burning Crusade Warcraft pack? The addition of the new Levels up to 70 and flying mounts are obvious. But there is a lot more. We will rovide some of the strategy tricks and hints here, and will review World of Warcraft (WOW) more tricks, cheats, hints and cheat codes in later posts. For now, understand Warcraft is a hugely popular MMORPG - Massively Multi-Player Online Role-Playing Game. It is the fourth in the series of Warcraft games. You interact with other players and groups of players via massive online game play.
Burning Crusade is the first official expansion pack for the World of Warcraft. As an expansion pack, it does not change the strategy of the underlying World of Warcraft online game, but provides new worlds, powers and characters. An official description of the Burning Crusade expansion is:
Several years have passed since the Burning Legion's defeat at Mount Hyjal and the races of Azeroth have continued to rebuild their once shattered lives. With renewed strength, the heroes of the Horde and Alliance have begun to explore new lands and broken through the Dark Portal to investigate the realms beyond the known world. Will these heroes find friends or foes? What dangers and rewards lie in wait beyond the Dark Portal? And what will they do when they discover that the demons they thought vanquished have returned to renew their terrible Burning Crusade?World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade expands the game by tremendous bounds, adding new races, lands, Battlegrounds, professions and items, and more!
The Burning Crusade was released in January 2007 to long lines at game stores throughout the United States, Europe and Canada. Rollouts in other major online game markets are meeting similar receptions. This is a worldwide online game with players from China, Taiwan, Korea, Australia, South Africa and more, in addition to the U.S., Europe and Canada.
The content of the Burning Crusade expansion of the World of Warcraft (WoW) is almost all unavailable to players who do not purchase the expansion pack. The pack is widely available in stores and online.
The Burning Crusade expands the WoW game adding new races, lands, professions, items, Battlegrounds and more. Here are some of the features in the Burning Crusade pack:
- Level Cap: Increased to 70!
- New Spells for each class
- Outland, A New Continent: Outland is a new continent introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. Outland is reachable via the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands. Find a map of the new Outland continent on the World of Warcraft Burning Crusade site. Outland is all that remains of Draenor, the home world of the Orcs. Outland includes 7 new zones, Hellfire Peninsula (Levels 58-63), Zangarmarsh (Levels 60-64, Nagrand (Levels 64-67), Terokkar Forest (Levels 62-66), Blades Edge Mountains (Levels 65-68), Netherstorm (Levels 67-70), and the forlorn Shadowmoon Valley.
- A new Arena for Player versus Player combat with their enemies. You can form Arena teams, fight for victory lust or rewards, and compete for the top spot on the Arena Ladder System type of leaderboard. Two new Arenas are the Ring of Trials in Nagrand, and the Circle of Blood in the Blade's Edge Mountains.

- Also there are the majestic Draenei, a faction of uncorrupted Eredar. Their leader is Velen and they join up with the Alliance. Their capital is found in The Exodar, and their mount is the elekk. The Draenei of the Burning Crusade also have two new starting zones off the west coast of Kalimdor, namely Azuremyst Isle (Levels 1-10) and Bloodmyst Isle (Levels 10-20).
- New Mounts: The two new races come equiped with their own new types of mounts. The hawkstrider mount of the Blood Elf, and is an ostrich-like bird. The elekk is like a tusked mastadon, and can be found outside the Exodar for the Draenei. New mounts also are available by drop from Karzhan and high end instances.
- New Flying Mounts in the New Outland Continent: These are the neutral NetherDrake, the New Alliance mounts, the eagle-like Gryphon and the New Horde mount, the dragon-like Wyvern. Usable in Outland level 70.
- New Monsters: Discoverable in Outland and unexplored lands of Azeroth, the monsters include, The Broken, Eredar, Ethereals, Fel Orcs, Fungal Giants, Forest Trolls, Gronn, Naaru, Ogre Lords, Ravagers, Rock Flayers, Spore Bats, Spore Walkers and Wark Stalkers.
- Literally hundreds of new guests and new items
- New Factions, including the Honor Hold (Alliance), Thrallmar (Horde), Cenarion Expedition (All), Sporeggar (All), The Mag'har (Horde), Kurenai (Alliance), The Aldor (All), The Consortium (All), Scale of the Sands (All), Keepers of Time (All), The Violet Eye (All), The Sha'tar (All), The Scryers (All).
- A New Profession, namely Jewelcrafting. Jewelcrafters create jewelry and trinkets from metals and rare gems for profit. I found a list of jewelcrafting recipes too.
- Improved Player vs. Player Honor sytem.
- Settable Dungeon Difficulty Setting (DDS).
- Socketed items - these are items that can use the jewelery created by the jewelcrafting trade.
- A new Battleground, named the Eye of the Storm for Player vs. Player combat. It is a domination / one flag CTF battleground where teams of 15 Players compete. The setting is the wasteland of Netherstorm on the new Outland continent.
- 3 new cities: The Exodar, Shattrath and Silvermoon
- New high-level dungeons to explore in the lands of Azeroth and Outland. In Outland there are Hellfire Citadel in the Hellfire Peninsula, Coilfang Reservoir in the Zangarmarsh, Auchindoun in the Trokkar Forest, Tempest Keep near Netherstorm, Gruul's Lair in Blade's Edge Mountains and the Black Temple in the Shadowmoon Valley. In Azeroth there are Caverns of Time, in Tanaris and Karazhan, in Deadwind Pass.
- Raids with caps of 25 players max, compared with the 40 player cap.
Here are a few of the most popular World of Warcraft and Burning Crusade items:
1 comment:
Nice guide on the Burning Crusade add-on. I was wondering whether to buy it or stick with the original World of Warcraft, but it seems necessary now. When will you be posting on some Burning Crusade tricks or cheats?
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